"Dear Science" by TV on the Radio

In 2006 I posted an entry about the fantastic album from TV on the Radio called "Return to Cookie Mountain", and now two years later they have released their follow-up entitled 'Dear Science', and yet again it deserves its own Ghostlife approved blog entry. If you liked their dense unique mix of jazz, rock, shoegaze, punk and doo-wop, but was hoping for something with a little more kick, something that might put a little shake in your hips, well this might do it. They've taken their sound and made it just a tad more radio friendly without losing that unique blend or their sense of experimentation. I highly recommend anyone pick this up or download it, its excellent. Don't just take my word for it ...
"Dear Science is the album David Bowie fantasizes about making." Financial Times (4/4)
“This is one irresistible party… a great, great record.” Q Magazine (5/5)
“They might have just made this decade’s ultimate leftfield pop album.” Uncut
"A class act at their peak." The Sun (5/5)
“Brooklyn art-rockers’ clearest transmission yet.” Mojo
“It’s a real thrill to find TV On The Radio pushing through the portal into the ethereal space-rock paradise that they always seemed destined to inhabit.” Observer Music Monthly
"Career defining stuff." The Guardian (5/5)
"Stunning." NME
"A thrilling album." The Times
“Exhilarating pop heart beats.” Word
“The art-rock album of the year.” The Observer
“They’re still exciting, still mysterious and still incredible” The Fly
"TV on the Radio come lavishly recommended. A thrilling album." The Times of London (4/4)
"Exhilarating." The Independent (4/4)
"TVOTR drive their focused music vision with breathtaking results." Metro (5/5)
"Dear Science is one of the most absorbing albums of the year." Sunday Express (5/5)
Hey Andrew! A few things:
Thanks for the review, I really liked their last cd (I think I'm the only one). I'm going to download it after I finish this note.
The post about your father and the letter from Obama was really touching. I'm really sorry about your father. I just recently lost a close friend and can imagine how receiving a letter like that must have felt to you. Our next president is a classy guy.
I also love the fact that you have a link to 'cats who look like hitler'. My cat is on there. Go to the bottom of the page and enter her number (199)and hit enter. She's Hitler owned by Krit. Vote for her! It's your civic duty.
Let me know how you've been and what you've been up to if you get the chance. I hope all is well.
Oh, another thing I meant to tell you... I was going through my pictures the other day and found a ton of pics from Newbs(the early days). There's a whole bunch of you. We all looked so young!!! I'll forward them to you if you want. Let me know.
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